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legal notice

This Legal Notice regulates access by the USER to the content provided by VINS DE FORESTA SL (hereinafter FORESTA). Access to the information provided through this website implies full acceptance of the content of this Legal Notice.

The user declares to be of legal age and to have sufficient legal capacity to bind himself to what is established in this Legal Notice and undertakes to make diligent use of the website as well as the information it contains with total subjection to the regulations that apply to it.




The owner and manager of the website is the company VINS DE FORESTA SL and its data are:

Address: Carrer Font del Cuscó, 16. 08734 L’Arboçar-Catalonia-Spain

Telephone:              (+34) 600 017 416

Economic activity legally registered with the C.I.F. B-65.864.605.




Our website offers information about FORESTA, our wines, the vineyards we grow, as well as  agriculture and production methods. It is also possible to book visits to the cellar and buy the wines we make.


The provision of FORESTA services through this website is informative, free of charge and revocable delivery without affecting the rest of the conditions established in this Legal Notice. FORESTA rejects the responsibility derived from the misuse of the contents of this web page, reserving the right to update, restrict or eliminate them temporarily or definitively when it deems appropriate. Likewise, FORESTA disclaims all responsibility for any interruption of the website that may occur as a result of its update, improvement or due to external causes.


The user undertakes to use the products and services offered in accordance with the law, morality and public order, as well as to enter only truthful information and content on the website, being the sole responsible. The user will not have any right to claim compensation of any kind (direct or indirect) for temporary interruptions or definitive suspension of products and services through the website, whether caused by own or third-party causes.


The intellectual property rights existing on this web page and/or the contents and rights it includes, as well as the brands, trade names and industrial designs contained in said web page, are the exclusive property of FORESTA, all of which are protected by law.

The copying, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation and/or making available to the public of all or part of the website and/or its contents and designs, brands, trade names and industrial designs, by any means, is prohibited. without the prior express authorization of its legitimate owner.


FORESTA is not responsible for the misuse of the applications or the contents of the web page, the responsibility rests solely with the user who has made the misuse. Also, FORESTA does not assume any kind of responsibility for the information contained in third-party web pages, which can be accessed through links from our web page or for the information contained in linked third-party web pages. 'somehow to this website. FORESTA will cooperate and collaborate if required by court order or by the relevant authorities, in the identification of the persons responsible for those uses that violate the law.

The user admits to knowing and being aware of the existence on the network of viruses, worms and other malicious elements. It is up to the user to have appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of these dangerous computer programs, without FORESTA being responsible for the damage caused to their computer equipment or to third parties during their access to the website.

Access to the website requires services and supplies from other information society service providers, the reliability, quality, continuity and operation of which is beyond the control of FORESTA. Therefore, the services provided may be suspended, canceled or become inaccessible at any time. FORESTA is not responsible for damages of any kind caused by failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that result in the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during its provision or in advance.

7. links


The inclusion of content or the provision of services on third-party web pages is prohibited, which could be detrimental to the image of the FORESTA website, which reserves the right to prohibit, limit or demand the cancellation of links  carried out on its web pages, when it deems it appropriate, by means of simple communication to the owner of the web page, without under any circumstances being obliged to pay any kind of compensation for this reason.

FORESTA reserves the right to take the appropriate legal actions against anyone who violates the prohibitions included in this Legal Notice.



  • To use any of the contents and/or services of <> for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in this Legal Notice, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored in any FORESTA computer equipment.

  • To use contents and services that are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to the entity or to third parties, without having previously obtained from their owners the necessary authorization to carry out the use that is carried out or intends to effect

  • To reproduce, copy, distribute, communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the authorization of the holder of the corresponding rights or this is legally permitted.

  • To incorporate viruses or other physical or electronic elements that can damage or prevent the normal operation of the network, the computer equipment system (hardware and software) of FORESTA or third parties or that can damage the electronic documents and files stored in those computer equipment .

  • To obtain or even attempting to obtain the contents using means or procedures different from those that, depending on the case, have been made available for this purpose in general, different from those that are usually used in Internet for this purpose and all those procedures that entail a risk of damage or making the website, services and/or contents unusable.



For any issue or disagreement that may arise regarding these contents, activities, products and services of this website between FORESTA and users and/or third parties, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that may apply to them, they are expressly submitted to the application of Spanish Legislation, the Spanish Courts being equally competent, with express consent to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Barcelona, ​​unless the applicable legislation imperatively determines another jurisdiction or different legislation.

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